In A Silent Way
Laura Altman, Monica Brooks, Nicholas Bullen, Darren Cook,
Lawrence English, Samaan Fieck, Gail Priest, Joel Stern.

8 person sound exhibition at CAST Gallery (now Contemporary
Art Tasmania), North Hobart, Tasmania
27 July - 26 August, 2012
Part of the curatorial mentorship program.

We all contribute to the collective noise of the universe, intentionally,
accidentally and sometimes completely unbeknownst. I’m interested in
a field that may be perceived between the intent and the everyday -
between close whispers and distant shouting. John Cage was inspired
to compose 4’33” after discovering the impossibility of absolute silence.
The show is in a silent ‘way’, but to be comprised of silence is an impossibility,
therefore the artists in this exhibition create works that specifically investigate
quietness, ethereal sound and audio degradation.

Link to audio documentation of exhibition and opening performance.


Ghost Hunters